New Year and New Hope, part 3

January 3, 2018

On New Year’s day, I received encouraging messages from different parts of the world.  I hope something here encourages you as well! This is the third post in a series.

The third message God had for me arrived from 2 different people. The first was a prayer received via email. A sweet friend in New Hampshire, Rev. Cindy Nickerson, took time to send this prayer. I have an impossible schedule between now and March 7, so I will read her prayer often. It’s encouraging.

Dear Lord, I give You thanks for your daughter, Deborah, for her faithfulness to the vision You gave her and for her commitment to the orphans of Kenya and Tanzania.

The journey has been challenging, but in your mercy and grace she continues to stay the course. Thank you for surrounding her with partners who can hold her and the Kulea ministry up to you in these challenging times that you, oh Lord, would receive all the honor and glory.

You said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.”  Grant Your daughter Your peace, joy and abundant grace in the coming year. In Your precious Son’s name I pray. Amen.

Cindy is one of our 90 Kulea prayer warriors. She reminded me that I am staying faithful to the vision God gave and that others are helping. (Here is an excerpt from her preaching in Chalinze, Tanzania. Pastor Dalmas Nzai of Kenya translated amid lots of baby noises in the background! Amazing!)
 The other part of the last message came from a close friend by text, when I needed it most. My friend, Debbie Kinnal, wrote:
 Hey Deb, I just wanted to tell you that if I haven’t said how much I appreciate you, I appreciate every single thing you do. I appreciate and love your friendship and I love you very very much with all my heart.
 Wow! Beautiful words. Often I worry that in my busy-ness doing the work of ministry, I may neglect my friends or family. I worry that I don’t give them enough of myself or of my time. So, when I read the above message, I smiled and felt affirmation.

I’m so grateful for how God speaks His gentle messages to us. On New Year’s Day, I heard Him through email, Messenger, a sermon, Facebook, in scripture and a text message. Taken altogether, I felt the Lord speaking to my heart, “Quiet down and rest in Me. Hear what I have for you. . . “Message 1 :  “Look to Me only for your value, your worth!”

Message 2: “Many will never understand what you do and why, but I have your back. Through My hand, the work of rescuing children will be done.”

Message 3: “My child, you are remaining faithful to My call on your life and to your family and friends. This honors Me!”

How about you? Are you listening more to what God says about you or are  depending on people for your value? God is your Creator and He loves you more than you know. Are you following His call, His vision and purpose for your life? Are you remaining faithful to that call as well as being a good friend, sister, brother, mother, father or child?

It’s a new year, full of new possibilities and new hope. Let’s listen for God’s messages in the expected and unexpected places.

Thank you, Cindy and Debbie, for your faithfulness to God, for your friendship and for taking the time to reach out. Thank You for speaking words of affirmation and life to me. As I told my daughter recently, “When you are ready to hear from God, He will speak through everyone and everything!” Amen!

A New Year and New Hope, part 2

January 2, 2018

Yesterday I received 3 unexpected messages from different parts of the world. They encouraged me and I felt they were messages from the Lord. I hope something here encourages you! Lots to say, so I divided the messages into 3 posts: Jan 1, 2, and 3rd!

Message 1 :  “Look to Me only for your value, your worth!”

Message 2: “Many will never understand what you do and why, but I (God) have your back. Through My hand, the work of rescuing children will be done.”

The second message arrived in a Facebook post from a new friend. I’ve only met the amazing Lora Williams once, but it was an honor. Lora grew up in the inner city in a tough life, but God is using her story to change the lives of others, who are broken in spirit. She is a nurse and a bright light for Christ in a time filled with anxiety and hopelessness. Instead of saying more, let me quote her and you will get a glimpse of her heart.

Tonight …. I had the honor and privilege to sit among the most precious treasure on Earth, people who can be overlooked & tossed aside as worthless. In reality they are the “GREATS.” Oh, I can’t forget I was once classified as the worthless nobody who would never… hahaha too bad my God didn’t ask my past to establish who I AM. Ultimately I AM HIS!

Just from that passage, you can see Lora’s deep desire to bring worth to the “worthless,” and hope to the forgotten. Yesterday, she posted another insightful message on Facebook and while not sent directly to me, I took it as a second message from God.

You have to remember that not everyone will comprehend the vision that God has given you. It’s not about other people seeing it. It’s about you seeing it and walking it out without hesitation or doubt, understanding that God has your back no matter what. Many will never understand why you do what you do & how you do you! But you have to keep doing what only you can do best YOU. NO ONE CAN EVER BE YOU! NO ONE CAN EVER COMPARE! YOU ARE RARE , & ORIGINAL. Here’s to MORE in 2018

Thank you, Lora! You remind me to keep pressing on anyway, even when people don’t understand this road I’m walking.

You’re so right! Most will never get it, and we frustrate ourselves by trying to help them understand. I tell my stories, show photos and even ask for donations (not sacrificial giving, but something small out of their full basket). Some listen attentively and express amazement saying, “What you do in Africa is wonderful!” Then, they turn back to their lives, unchanged.  In those moments my heart cries out, “God, send someone to care about the things that break Your heart. Send someone whose heart will break, too. Send someone with the financial resources or the talents needed so that much more can be done for your church and your children in East Africa!”

In those low times, I’m reminded of words from Isaiah 30:21. God asks me to do only my part leaving the rest (the outcome) in His hands.

21 “and whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.”

Few of my closest friends and family members support the vision I have for orphans. Most do not and they don’t understand what I do or why. When I think about that, and feel great discouragement, I hear God saying, This is the way. Walk in it.  I feel pressured to cheer for their cruise, their trips to Europe or Hawaii or a newly remodeled kitchen, while I can only remember that they saw no value in our work of rescuing children in Africa. So I distance myself; they don’t understand this calling. As I feel low, God pulls me close, and whispers to my heart, This is the way. Walk in it. 

My heart, thoughts and dreams are always with the orphans in East Africa. To know that is to understand me. I am always thinking of how we can share their stories better, and help people here to see the desperate and legitimate needs of our children. I’m “on” this job 24-7 in terms of my brain and heart engagement, because THIS IS THE WAY, and I’M WALKING IN IT!

Thank you, Lora Williams, for your faithfulness to God and for speaking openly from your heart, reminding us that, “Many (maybe most) will never understand what we do and why, but God will have our backs.”

This is the way; Walk in it!

A New Year and New Hope

January 1, 2018

Today I received 3 unexpected messages from different parts of the world. They have so encouraged me and I hope something here encourages you! As usual, I’m not succinct when writing from my heart, so I’ll divide this into 3 posts: Jan 1, 2, and 3rd! Grab a cup of tea and join me by the fire!

Message 1: God is saying, “Look to Me only for your value, your worth!”

This first message arrived on Messenger from a strong follower of Christ named Kashma, who I  gave my travel Bible to in 2014. He wanted an English Bible more than anything else on earth – really! It really spoke to me about how much value He places on God’s Word and I considered how much I value the Word of God. I fail miserably in comparison to his faith.

I don’t know Kashma well – I think I’ve only met him once, but have frequently enjoyed his posts of scripture or words of encouragement on Facebook. He has limited English, lives in a small Maasai village, and lives totally all out for Jesus. Proud to consider him my brother in Christ.

Here is what he took the time to send me today.


So, I looked up Jeremiah 1:5-9 and read,

I chose you before I formed you in the womb;
I set you apart before you were born.
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

But I protested, “Oh no, Lord God! Look, I don’t know how to speak since I am only a youth.”

Then the Lord said to me:

Do not say, ‘I am only a youth,’
for you will go to everyone I send you to
and speak whatever I tell you.
Do not be afraid of anyone,
for I will be with you to rescue you.
This is the Lord’s declaration.

Then the Lord reached out his hand, touched my mouth, and told me:

I have now filled your mouth with my words.

Wow! That spoke strongly to me. The idea of following Christ and going wherever He sends me doesn’t seem difficult, but something else in this scripture was meant just for me. Find it so tough! I was a bit stunned that Kashma sent this of all the passages in the Bible. I wasn’t sure how to reply and feebly sent a message wishing him a blessed 2018. In my heart I knew God was speaking to me.

Specifically, in the section that begins, “Do not say, ‘I am only…'” where Jeremiah is complaining to the Lord. I have complained to God for several years, more like whining if I’m being honest.

“God, if only xx would stop saying cruel things to me or about me, then I could be more effective for You.”

Truth. I’ve let one person rob me of my joy (often) and it’s silenced me in many ways. For example, I have not posted to this blog for a year and have felt insecure in leadership and in life due to this person. Do you have someone like that in your life? How can a single person’s words be louder than what our Savior says of us? Why do we let them steal our joy?

One of my favorite worship songs (by Hillsong) “In Control” reminds me that the waves will always come, but He will tame them.

The wind and waves will come,                                                                    but I will stay here.                                                                                               I lift my hands to Heaven, here my heart surrendered, I tell my soul again, You are Lord of all!         And though the seas are raging, You will speak and tame them. In You I find my rest, You are in control.


Today,  God’s message was about my need to look only to Him for my worth and not to anyone else. One person cannot put out the fire in my heart for Christ, nor can 100 or 1,000. I am ineffective only when I stop hearing what God says about me. Maybe that’s true for you, too.

Thank you,brother Kashma, for your faithfulness to Christ and for taking time to remind me that if we are true followers, His words will be the loudest thing we hear each day!